Helping People Feel Great Again One Hormone at a Time
About Us
Bringing Vitality Back To The World One Person At A Time.
Good hormone health is critical for your quality of life. It brings longevity, energy, and happiness. Unfortunately, many people are suffering from very real hormone imbalances and their doctors simply tell them “nothing is wrong” or “Everything tests normal.”.
Hormone Balance Centers specializes in using bio-identical hormone therapy to restore and maintain your optimal hormone levels. We are different from other medical clinics because we don’t just treat your symptoms – we focus on finding and treating the root cause of your conditions. In other words, we treat you and not just your symptoms. We can help manage the causes of PMS, fatigue, insomnia, depression, low sex drive, mood swings, hyper and hypothyroidism and other symptoms associated with hormone imbalances.

Meet Our Staff

Candy & Ricky Brandon
Candy and Ricky Brandon Are the Founders of Hormone Balance Centers. As you interact with with them you will hear their story about how they had their own lives completely changed by a chance meeting with Dr. Robert Jones.
Candy is a Molecular Biologist and the science of Bio-Identical Hormones along with her own personal experiences of reversing fatigue, hot flashes, insomnia and mood swings will open your eyes. It’s nothing short of a miracle and you simply MUST hear her story.
Ricky’s hormone story is different. He almost completely lost his drive and felt so depressed that he literally gave away his business before discovering Hormone Replacement Therapy. His story will inspire and give you hope that you really can have vitality again.
Ricky and Candy have 4 kids. They are passionate about helping people live “Optimal lives.” They spend most of their days being parents and their hobbies are teaching new patients the difference between Normal and Optimal and why you should always ask more questions when your Doctor says “Your labs all look normal.”
Our Story

How Did it All Start?
Ricky and Candy Brandon have always been interested in natural options for healthcare and healing. Candy is a Molecular Biologist with a heavy science background and Ricky is an herbalist and worked in that herbal supplement industry for years. However, life has it’s way of taking it’s toll on people. After about 10 years of marriage and kids and an out of whack work / life balance, both Ricky and Candy were feeling tired. More tired than normal. It felt unnatural.
All of their Doctors just chalked it up as “NORMAL” and would say things like “You’re just getting older.” Through tons of personal research and study, they decided to explore Natural Hormone Replacement. Their personal story is amazing if you ever get the chance to hear it.
Long story short, they could not find the kind of care they wanted and quickly became disappointed in the level of service other hormone clinics offered. The idea of hormone balance centers was born and now when they find a hormone specialist who treats people the way they would want to be treated to do everything in their power to bring them into the Hormone Balance Centers family.
Their philosophy is to find and work with the best hormone specialists and make them available to work with their clients. They know how frustrating it is to try to find someone who understands and knows how to help. Especially when you feel so terrible. Hormone Balance Centers helps people feel great again one hormone at a time.