Feel Great Again One Hormone at a Time
Hormone Science

The “Real Science” behind Hormone Replacement Therapy.
You might be aware of some controversy or scare and fear around hormone replacement therapy. Continue reading to learn where those ideas came from and become informed so you can make your own educated decisions about your own own hormone health.
The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI Trial) was published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) in 2002. It seemingly showed that Hormones are bad. However, that ONE study was very misinterpreted. It was about a specific type of woman and a very specific brand of synthetic hormones (Not Natural or Bio-Identical hormones. )
The same singular study became the insurance industries go to quoted study to get them our of paying for hormone replacement therapy. As you know, general practice physicians can not become experts in everything. They learn a little about many things and then they google the rest when you come with tough questions. They also operate within certain guidelines set by the big company they work for and the insurance companies. They will ONLY do what your insurance company will allow them to do. They LOVE your easy insurance money so they never, ever want to do anything to offend that easy insurance money coming in the front door.
However, there are becoming more and more MD’s interested in the study of BIO-Identical hormone replacement. They simply can not deny the science. Hormone replacement is doing the exact opposite of what the medical community was teaching. For example, when the right hormones are used in the right way, they can dramatically reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke. And imagine reversing type II diabetes and staving it off for life. Osteoporosis? Imagine a hormone that could reverse it better than the popular medications you see on TV.
On the rest of this page we will do our best to unpack the science and open a few research doors and videos to point you in the direction of the real science. Do your homework and you will become convinced and become ready to take your charge of your own health by finding knowledgable Doctors who know how to navigate this controversial world of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Start here. We love Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.. Please watch his video discussing if hormones are good or bad.

Natural Hormone Replacement For Men and Women – How to Achieve Healthy Aging…
That is the title of an amazing and groundbreaking book by Dr. Neal Rouzier, MD. Without hesitation or delay, if you are serious about understanding the science of hormone replacement in simple terms anyone can understand, you simply must get and read this book immediately.
We encourage every patient at our hormone replacement clinic (Hormone Balance Centers) to read this book cover to cover. It will give you hope and real understanding. As you read stories of how patients have been treated by their Doctors who simply don’t know any better, it will ring true to you.
We try to keep copies on hand at the clinic but you can find a copy online. Find one ASAP!
The Tools

Let the lab results start your journey
Some people say that the labs don’t lie or in other words, your bloodwork will tell the story of your health. Well, that is only true if you test the right things. Thyroid is the classic example. Most Doctors only check your T4 and your TSH. They never check your T3 which is a very critical number. Conventional thinking is that if your TSH is in the normal range, then your T4/T3 balance is probably just fine. That simply is not true.
After over 20 years of hormone replacement therapy, Our hormone specialist Lucas Ramirez love hormone and longevity medicine. All of our lives have been dramatically changed for the better here at Hormone Balance Centers. This is our mission. Our own personal stories will amaze you! We are so excited to walk with you on your own journey toward health. You deserve to have your life back. We are here to help. Get to know us. We want to be on your side fighting to help you feel great again!

Balancing so all hormones to work together is the key
Hormones were meant to be balanced just like everything in nature. Hormonal balance is the key to mental, emotional, and physical health. This is true for BOTH women and men. Did you know that just like a woman can feel “Out of whack” when her hormones are off that the same thing happens for men?
Hormonal balance is necessary for keeping everything functioning properly inside the body. Your hormones are there for a reason and they are powerful. They should not be ignored. When your hormones get “out of whack,” there is a huge list of unwanted consequences.
At Hormone Balance Centers we meet with you monthly in a one year program to constantly tweak and balance until you feel great again. Then once we know your perfect balance, we teach you to maintain that balance for life.